Chinese Digital Media

What we do 我们的服务

China-website-CTjmKGtU8AAKO0R-599x400Wechat is the link between your brand to Chinese potential clients. 1.3 billion mainland Chinese and up to 80% of the Australia Chinese community use wechat as a primary tool in receiving commercial product and service information.  However, most Australian businesses encounter difficulties in setting up a proper subscription or service account due to China’s social media control. So we are here to help. Our services include:


  • Wechat account setup 微信注册
  • Wechat account management 微信管理
  • Wechat marketing content localization 当地化的市场广告宣传

Chinese Web Design  中文网站设计

banner-700-300Managing a Chinese website is not always easy. Chinese audience has their own preference of design and information intake. Simply replicate English content into Chinese might not be effective.
